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🔎 What is Parquet export?

Parquet export is one of the fastest data storage formats to read and load. Its hybrid storage format (by column and by row) optimizes reading performance.


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✨ What are the advantages of the Parquet export format?

  • Ultra-fast loading, ideal for large datasets
  • Optimized storage, up to 7 times lighter than GeoJSON export
  • Facilitated analysis, thanks to column organization
  • Free and universal format, available in Open Source and compatible with a multitude of tools, including data science tools, Python, and the Opendatasoft Studio no-code via an extension.

👉 Try out data export in the Parquet file format now!

  • Head to your portal, or any Opendatasoft portal (including the Data Hub)
  • Select a dataset
  • Go to the “Export” tab
  • Download the dataset in the Parquet format
  • Start exploring the data 
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To learn more

Don't hesitate to read Opendatasoft or Parquet documentation.

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