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I created a custom visualization for a dataset which is a searchable table in our corporate style. When embedding this visualization through an iframe the details-area is sticking to the bottom of the frame.

In the following example you can see the rather prominent details-area at the bottom of the element.

Is there a possibility to suppress this element? 

At the beginning I thought I could do this with the url parameter “datasetcard” (see example link below). However, I must have misinterpreted this parameter as it does not influence the details-area.

<iframe src="" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I’ve managed to hide the element by suppressing the display of the .odswidget-dataset-card class in css. But this seems rather hacky. Any better solution would be greatly appreciated.

.dataset-infos, .odswidget-dataset-card div.card-container{
    display: none;

