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Hi we are trying to truncate the first 5 characters of a field and for some reason the Replace via Regular Expression processor doesn’t seem to ‘work”

We have tried:

^(.{1,5})(?:|$) seems to match it correctly

and which replaces the first 5 characters with blank so then we tried this


which seems to replace all of it with a blank… 


Help please.  

If anyone can create a small library of useful regex strings for use that would be really appreciated!



Hello Yvonne,

I believe there is a misunderstanding regarding what the Replace via Regular Expression Processor does. Its role is to remove or replace part of a text and therefore, the regular expression  is used to match the part of the text that will be removed/replaced (and not the one that will be kept).

In your example, you may need instead to match all characters except the first 5 characters of the string, such as: (?<=^.{5}).*

Without the Replace via Regular Expression Processor
With the Replace via Regular Expression Processor

The documentation and an associated example may be found here:
